European Union – Sustainability & Efficient Use of Resources: Survey, Debates & Dissemination
The Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon (FC-UL), in collaboration with ICS-UL and CITIDEP, was recently selected by the Center Jacques Delors (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) to conduct the study "European Union – sustainability and efficient use of resources: survey, debates, and dissemination".
This study is a formal element of the Communication Plan for Information on the European Union in Portugal, in the context of the forthcoming elections to the European Parliament.
This project explores the themes of re-industrialization, sustainable development, green economy, energy sustainability, and education for the sea.
The project began in January 2014.
Main goals:
To give voice to citizens on these issues and policies of the European Union,
To foster reflection and scientifically based discussion.
Components of this project:
a) Survey on the aforementioned themes targeted to the Portuguese population in general and to specific social groups, namely the school and the academic community. The survey design and pretest will take place in January and February, and data collection is scheduled to start in March.
b) Six debates in five cities (Lisbon, Porto, Faro, Sines, and Aveiro) around three key themes:
- (Re)industrialization, Sustainable Development and the Green Economy;
- Europe 2020 and sustainable growth for efficient economic use of resources and energy sustainability;
- The importance of education for the sea.
These six debates will be held between April and September 2014, being a central component of the dissemination of the project and of the survey results. The timing and location of the debates will be shortly announced.
c) Dissemination of the debates and survey results in order to stimulate the public discussion of these subjects by the Portuguese society. In this phase, the involvement of the media and an ongoing online mobilization is essential.
José Manuel Pinto Paixão, Coordenador (FC-UL)
Pedro Ferraz de Abreu, Coordenador Executivo e Investigador Principal (FC-UL)
Operational coordinating committee:
Barbara Barbosa Neves (CITIDEP)
Cristina Branquinho (FC-UL)
Susana Fonseca (ICS-UL)
Scientific Committee (SC):
António Mateus (FC-UL)
António Sá da Costa (FC-UL)
Carlos Sousa Reis (FC-UL)
Cristina Cruz (FC-UL)
Fernando Antunes (FC-UL)
Fernando Gonçalves (FC-UL)
Helena Mourinho (FC-UL)
Henrique Cabral (FC-UL)
João Ferrão (ICS-UL)
João Souza Lara
Jorge Maia Alves (FC-UL)
Jorge Sales Gomes (BRISA)
Jorge Vasconcelos
José Félix Ribeiro
José Lino Costa (FC-UL)
Luísa Schmidt (ICS-UL)
Manuel Minas da Piedade (FC-UL)
Olívia Bina (ICS-UL)
Vanda Brotas (FC-UL)
 Project team:
Anabela Neves (CITIDEP)
Ana Delicado (ICS-UL)
Ana Faisca (FC-UL)
Ana Subtil Simões (FC-UL)
António Fernandes (FC-UL)
António Marques (FC-UL)
António Mateus (FC-UL)
António Sá da Costa (FC-UL)
Barbara Barbosa Neves (CITIDEP)
Béatrice Huberty (FC-UL)
Carlos Sousa Reis (FC-UL)
Cristina Branquinho (FC-UL)
Cristina Cruz (FC-UL)
Fernando Antunes (FC-UL)
Fernando Gonçalves (FC-UL)
Francisco Xavier (FC-UL)
Helena Mourinho (FC-UL)
Henrique Cabral (FC-UL)
João Ferrão (ICS-UL)
João Souza Lara
Jorge Maia Alves (FC-UL)
Jorge Sales Gomes (BRISA)
Jorge Vasconcelos
José Félix Ribeiro
José Lino Costa (FC-UL)
José Manuel Pinto Paixão (FC-UL)
Luísa Schmidt (ICS-UL)
Manuel Minas da Piedade (FC-UL)
Margarida Gomes (ABAE)
Mário Carneiro (CITIDEP)
Miguel Gonçalves (FC-UL)
Neko Bastos Carneiro (CITIDEP)
Nuno Vieira (CITIDEP)
Olívia Bina (ICS-UL)
Pedro Ferraz de Abreu (FC-UL)
Pedro Rosa (FC-UL)
Rita Rente (FC-UL)
Rui Batista (FC-UL)
Rui Nunes (FC-UL)
Sónia Roque (FC-UL)
Susana Fonseca (ICS-UL)
Vanda Brotas (FC-UL)