Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa

Eurachem 25th Anniversary

In May 2014, the Eurachem celebrates its 25th anniversary. The sequence of events to be promoted in Lisbon, between 19-24 May, will include various celebration activities.

Pictures of the protagonists of these 25 years of involvement in promoting the traceability and quality of measurements and examinations in chemistry, are presented.

If you have some of those pictures, please email it to rjsilva@fc.ul.pt with the date and a brief description.

Image gallery of the Eurachem 25th Anniversary

GA's from 2005-2013 by Isabelle Vercruysse [6 Mb]

GA after meetings - from hot chocolate to uncertainties... (2005-2013) by Isabelle Vercruysse [20 Mb]

More_photos by Kyriacos Tsimillis [1.8 Mb]