Ciências Research Day

Edifício C3, FCUL, Lisboa
Ciências Research Day - Save the Date

A melhor Ciência faz-se em CIÊNCIAS!


An opportunity for faculty researchers to share their work with the in and out community. Spark your curiosity and your imagination.



09:00-09:10 Welcome words (L. Carriço, Dean) 
09:10-09:25 Facts and figures about research @ CIÊNCIAS (M Santos-Reis, Vice Dean for Research) 

SESSION I - Top Notch Science 
09:25-09:40 Out of this world atmospheres (Pedro Machado)  
09:40-09:55 Active matter (Nuno Araújo)  
09:55-10:10 The 1755 earthquake and the closing of the Atlantic Ocean (João C. Duarte) 
10:10-10:25 Non-invasive electric stimulation of the spinal cord: a combined modelling and experimental approach (Sofia Fernandes) 

10:25-11:00 Coffee-break 

11:00-11:15 Glycofighting bacteria: a new mode of action (Rodrigo Almeida) 
11:15-11:30 A new mechanism to inhibit amyloid aggregation in Alzheimer’s Disease (Cláudio M. Gomes)
11:30-11:45 How Mediterranean and Tropical forests react to groundwater change? (Cristina Antunes)
11:45-12:00 Vulnerability & Blame: making sense of unauthorized access to smartphones (Diogo Marques) 

12:00-14:30 Bring a sandwich, look at the posters and have a speed date
Speed dating the (great) experts behind great scientists! (12:30-13:30 - C3 Building, Room 3.1.05)
Speed dating an Astronomer (13:00-14:30 - C3 Building, Atrium)
Speed dating a Computer Scientist? (13:00-14:00 - C3 Building, Atrium)
Speed dating Mathematicians (13:00-14:00 - C6 Building, Room 6.1.8)
Speed dating a Statistician (13:00-14:00 - C3 Building, Atrium)
THE LAST M_{e}I.LE_{I} (13:00-14:30 - C6 Building, Room 6.1.36)
(Click for more info about the posters and speed dating sessions)


SESSION II - Recognising Excellence (ERC grantees) 
14:30-14:45 Why this, why now, why me? (Joaquim Gaspar) 
14:45-15:00 Competition under (niche) construction: an ERC project (not so) easy to construct (Sara Magalhães) 
15:00-15:15 Where's Wally?: Spotting the next ERC grantees at CIÊNCIAS (Henrique Leitão) 

SESSION III – Networking and Science for Society 
15:15-15:30 Intelligent infection management and precision antibiotherapy (Ricardo Dias) 
15:30-15:45 Estimating the efficacy of mass rescue operations in ocean areas with vehicle routing models and heuristics (Rui de Deus) 
15:45-16:00 CoastNet - Portuguese Coastal Monitoring Network (José L. Costa) 
16:00-16:15 SmartHub Energy (Miguel Brito) 

16:15-16:45 Coffee Break 

16:45-17:00 Ciências at the core of European efforts to push the boundary of physics (António Amorim) 
17:00-17:15 Making the added value of networking tangible (Raquel Conceição) 
17:15-17:30 DELOX: from research to business (Fadhil Musa) 

SESSION IV - Challenging Ideas for Ciências: Creative Minds Contest 
17:30-17:45 Pitch talks 

17:45-18:00 Closing remarks and Awards (Pedro Almeida, Vice Dean for Communication and Image)