Alexandre Pinto

(Em Ciências até Agosto de 2017)


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Palavras Chave


Interesses Científicos

Inteligência Artificial

Aprendizagem Automática / Ciência de Dados

Modelação Cognitiva

Representação do Conhecimento e Raciocínio

Lógica Computacional

Web Semântica

Criatividade Computacional

Scientific Interests

Artificial Intelligence

Machine Learning / Data Science

Cognitive Modelling

Knowledge Representation and Reasoning

Computational Logic

Semantic Web

Computational Creativity

Publicações selecionadas
  • L.M. Pereira, A.M.Pinto, Revised stable models -- a semantics for logic programs, In Procs. of the Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence (EPIA), pp. 29--42, 2005, Springer Berlin Heidelberg
  • L.M. Pereira, P. Dell’Acqua, A.M. Pinto, G. Lopes, Inspecting and preferring abductive models, The handbook on reasoning-based intelligent systems, pp. 243-274, World Scientific, 2013
  • A. M. Pinto, R. Sharma, Concept learning, recall, and blending with regulated activation networks, In Procs. of the 14th Intl. Conf. on Cognitive Modeling, D. Reitter & F. E. Ritter (Eds.), pp. 282–284, Penn State University, 2016

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